Saturday, January 9, 2010


I’ll try not to get on too much of a soapbox here... But I think it’s vital to define death. Dying is what happens before death. Death is the moment when I will transition to my next destination. Randy Alcorn says it best, “Earth leads directly into Heaven or directly into Hell, affording a choice between the two. The best of life on Earth is a glimpse of Heaven; the worst of life is a glimpse of Hell. For Christians, this present life is the closest they will come to hell. For unbelievers, it is the closest they will come to heaven.” (Heaven p. 28) This is the reason for the hope that I have as I anticipate death. This is the hope that is offered to anyone who asks for it. It’s not the end of all things for me; it is the beginning of an abundant Life— which life here, even it its best moments, can’t come remotely close to. This Life to come is perfect healing, peace that can’t be taken away, and joy that goes on forever without end or interruption. It is love and laughter. It is creativity consummated. It is beauty without compare....

Thinking about it from this perspective, I’m excited about death.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe this is how I could see it.
    You are going to move away and I will not see you for a very long time. We won't be able to email, or catchup and do our updates between trips and movings and life...
    But its like you are going on an amazing vacation with your Creator where you will soak Him up the whole time. I look forward to meeting you there and catching up with you then and you can tell me about all the amazing things that happened before I got there.

    So, I want to be excited for you. But I am sad for me.
